

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

6 Secrets of Women Who Never Get Sick

1 Have a Set Bedtime

Research shows that those who sleep 8 hours or more per night are three times less likely to develop a cold compared to people who snooze for less than 7 hours. One reason why: At night your body repairs itself and regulates stress hormones that can make you more susceptible to infection.
"I instituted a strict sleep/wake schedule in my house that applies on weekdays and weekends. At a recent doctor's appointment for physicals, he said that we hadn't been there for sick visits in over a year—quite a feat for a mom and three kids ages 5 to 16!" —Mikita Burton, Lenexa, KS
Eat Colors
Filling up on antioxidant-rich foods like sweet potatoes (beta-carotene), citrus and bell peppers (vitamin C), almonds (vitamin E), and red grapes or red wine (resveratrol) replenishes the cells that are damaged in the fight against germs and bacteria.
"I used to get bad sinus infections regularly, but I cleaned up my diet— eating more whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts and lean protein—and I haven't been sick in two years." —Susan Robertson, Knoxville, TN

3 Shape Up Your Gut

You bring the outside world into your mouth every day, and though most bacteria and germs are harmless, some can make you sick. That's where your gut gets in on the action. Good bacteria can enhance your immune system, so you may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement—which contains helpful bacteria—during cold and flu season. Try a multi-strain formula (find in your local health-food market or grocery store). If you want to skip supplements, eat more fermented foods, like sauerkraut.
"My kids were constantly ill when we moved to a new town a few years ago and we decided to give probiotics a go. Almost immediately, my family's health improved. So long, sick days!" —Alison Schoonover, Columbus, WI

4 Wash at Key Times

You don't have to go crazy with hand washing. You can reduce illness by 15% to 50% if you remember to wash your hands before eating, before and after prepping food, post-bathroom and after sneezing or coughing. Soap and water is preferred (scrub for 20 seconds), but keep hand sanitizer around to degerm on the go, too. Look for one formulated with at least 60% alcohol.
"I was a massage therapist for 10 years and I rarely got sick. I attribute that to consistent and strategic hand washing." —Jennifer Muth, Washington, DC

5 Hug It Out

Make a date to get together with a friend—especially if you're dealing with problems at home or work, suggests research in the journal Psychological Science. People with the most "social support" when faced with a stressful situation were less likely to get ill if exposed to a cold virus—and hugging enhanced the immunity benefit.
"Each week, I find a workout I can do with friends, I make sure my husband and I have at least one 'date' and I call my grandma. These connections energize me and keep me healthier." —Kamden Hoffmann, Morrisville, NC

6 Say Om

One study found that gentle yoga (plus breathing exercises) strengthens immune function and the boost happens within 2 hours after the start of class, according to research in the journal PLOS ONE. Try classes that combine light yoga with deep breathing and meditation, like restorative yoga.
"My regular yoga practice has helped me avoid sickness, but it also calms me. I go to class once a week and do about three at-home sessions per week." —Sarah Boyce, Brooklyn, NY


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